FileOpen wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww Form1* FileSpecLabel &Filename: FileSpecBox OKButton FileListLabel Fi&les: DirListLabel &Directories: CurDirLabel CurDirLabel CancelButton &Cancel FileListBox DirListBox NewButton &None FileOpenIcon wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww AboutLabel About DriveDropDown DriveDropDownLabel Dri&ves: FileOpen; Form_Click Form_Load NoParms; Separatorb CommandLineG CLPS1 CLPS2T DialogTitle FileSpec Executable LoadForm Caption Text, FileListBoxa Pattern FileSpecBox SelStart SelLength Label1x Text1 FileSpecLabel Drive1 DriveDropDownLabelt DriveDropDown DirListBox DirListLabel File1 Command1? OKButton CancelButton NewButton) Picture1 FileOpenIcon FileSpecString FileListBox_Clickw OkButton_Click CancelButton_Clickt NewButton_Click Form_Unload Cancel DirListBox_Change DirsBox DirListBox_Click FileIndex FileSpecBoxChanged FileSpecChanged6 DriveDropDown_Change DriveK FileName FileSpecBox_Change` NewFileSpecText NewDrivePosx FileSpecTexti NewDrive CurDrive NewPathPos NewPath( NewPathLength FirstBackSlash LastBackSlashe DirIndex ListIndexH FileSpecLabel_Click= FileListLabel ThenNewPath FileListBox_DblClick FileSpecBox_DragDrop EXITOUT Validate| OldDrive FALSE Dummy Driv_Ctrl2 LastDriveJ Dir_Ctrl ThenMsgBox TestFileSpecTextl TestSpec estFileSpecText] ThenTestFileSpecTextC ProcessFileSpec NewFileSpec TestFileSpecO ileSpec OldPath5 DirFileList PickFilef Startapp StartAppStatusB APPACTIVE EXITNEWBUTTON OKButton_Click_EXITOUT ExitOKButtonc DriveDropDownLabel_Click NewDriver TestDrive DriveDropDown_DragDrop CheckDrive MsgLine1 MsgLine2 MsgLine3) MsgLine5 MsgLine4/ MsgLine6 MsgLine7 MsgLine8 MsgLine9$ MsgLine10 MsgLine34! MsgLine11P syntaxE follows Dialog FILENAME_CHANGEDH TempVar TRUE8 Validate_Filename SaveFileDlg Write_Icon_To_File File_FileList Txt_Filename Drv_DriveList Dir_DirectoryList FILE_CHANGED CmdLineErrw PROCESS CurPath FileOpenIcon_Click AboutLabel AboutLabel_ClickV PREPAREFILESPECT PrepFileSpec FileListIndex ListCount Cursor Command1_Click RunFileSpec MousePointer Pointer NewSpec OldSpec Break Screen. NewPattern OldPattern change drives necessary CurDirLabel FilePattern CurDirLabel_Click Form_Load FileOpen FileOpen - " OkButton_Click *** If user selects a file from FileListBox, load it and run. Error loading application! FileOpen FALSE" *** If the user typed a full valid filename, go ahead and grab it Drive not ready" FileOpen *** Here we have to remove the trailing backslash if the user *** put it in. Follows windows standard now... *** Update the Filename property of the listbox so we can *** trigger the drive/path/pattern properties *** Trap for empty floppy drive...y Drive not ready" FileOpen *** Trap for invalid pathname...v Directory does not exist FileOpen *** Trap for attempt at filename... File does not exist" FileOpen *** Trap for other errors...) Error number " FileOpen *** Get the new drive, compare it to the old drive, and *** change drives, if necessary.... *** Get the new path, and change to the new directory,d *** if necessary... CancelButton_Click NewButton_Click Error loading Application! FileOpen Form_Unload There was a command line error! The correct syntax is:" 1) Dialog title -- the default is FileOpen" 2) File specification -- the default is *.* 3) Program to load -- You MUST specify this Separate the 3 parameters with commas. FileOpen DirListBox_Change DirListBox_Click DriveDropDown_Change Drive not ready" FileOpen FileListBox_Click FileListBox_DblClick FileSpecBox_Change FileOpenIcon_Click Written by Eric Hall in MS VB 1.0" Portions Copyright Microsoft FileOpen AboutLabel_Click Command1_Click